Yes on 3, Abortion and Amendment 3 Zine

DESN 3800 | Professional Development for Graphic Design

Project Description and Summary

This project was a passion-driven assignment for my Professional Practice in Graphic Design class. The objective was to create something on any topic we felt strongly about. Around this time, leading up to the 2024 elections, I noticed signs throughout my community displaying inaccurate and sometimes harmful information about Missouri's Amendment 3 law concerning reproductive rights and access to abortion. Motivated by this, I wanted to design something that was not only informative but also encouraged people to seek out accurate information for themselves.

Process and Decisions

I began this project by conducting extensive research to ensure all the information I included was accurate and truthful. Once I gathered and organized my findings, I considered different ways to present the content. Initially, I thought about creating a simple poster or infographic, but given the volume of information I wanted to share, I chose a zine-style handout. Each page focused on a specific topic related to Amendment 3 or reproductive rights in general.

With my content in place, I shifted my focus to the front cover. I drew inspiration from Barbara Kruger’s Your Body is a Battleground, a piece that still feels relevant today. For the cover image, I featured a Black woman to emphasize the often-overlooked struggles people of color face in accessing human rights and reproductive healthcare. I also reworked the phrasing to evoke a more current and urgent mindset, aligning with the project’s purpose of sparking awareness and encouraging thoughtful engagement.

Final Outcome

While my zine clearly took a position on the issue, I prioritized presenting data and information in an unbiased and transparent manner. One of the most important sections was the "Current Law" page, which provided a straightforward breakdown of what is and isn’t allowed under Missouri law. This was crucial because misinformation and fear-mongering often cloud public understanding. For instance, a common misconception is that abortion is completely outlawed in Missouri, when in fact, it remains legal in specific, extreme cases.

Through this project, I aimed to encourage readers to question what they see and seek out accurate information for themselves. My hope is that the zine not only informed but also inspired critical thinking and a commitment to independent research.

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©Maggie Detchemendy 2023